How to complete The Turn Back Time Challenge Bitlife

There are many times in life when we wonder what would have happened if we could go back in time and change a decision. But with Turn Back Time Challenge Bitlife you get this chance! It is an exciting challenge in which you get the chance to re-correct your past decisions and find new paths to success.

bitlife turn back time challenge

Key Steps of This Challenge

There are five main components to the challenge, which you must complete to win the challenge:


  • Being born a girl in California
  • Becoming a pop singer
  • Having 2 or more pop albums go platinum or higher
  • Marrying an ex-boyfriend
  • Having a best friend who considers himself gay

Let’s look at these components in detail so that you can find the right guide to completing each one.

Steps Description
 Give birth to a girlGive birth to a girl in California.
. Become a pop singerTake voice lessons and apply to the music sector.
 platinum albumsRelease albums and get 2 albums to platinum.
Marrying an Ex-BoyfriendRebuild the relationship with your ex-boyfriend and propose marriage.
Make gay friendsMake gay friends from Friends as your best friend

Being born a girl in California

First, you have to create a new character in BitLife. For this, you have to choose female as the gender, select USA as the country, and select California as the state. After being born in California, you have to choose Music as your “special talent” to determine your future as a pop singer.

Becoming a pop singer

To become a pop singer, you first have to study voice. As soon as you reach the age of 8, you will have to start Voice Lessons in the “Mind & Body” section of Activities. This is necessary so that your vocal skills can improve and you will become an expert in it by the age of 18.

After that, you will have to apply as a Solo Artist in the Music section of Special Careers. Once you get accepted, your journey to becoming a pop singer will begin.

Getting your pop albums to platinum or higher

Now that you have become a pop singer, you will have to continuously make albums to improve your skills. You will have to release a new album every year using the Albums option. As your album becomes a hit, you will have to practice more so that your albums can achieve platinum status.

Typically, this process is completed in 4 to 10 years when you have two albums to achieve platinum status. Meanwhile, you also need to focus on your performance and relationships to accelerate your success.

Marrying an Ex-Boyfriend

Marrying an ex-boyfriend in BitLife is an interesting and challenging process. To do this, you need to rethink your past relationships. When you turn 18, you will have to find many boyfriends through Dating.

Then you will have to rebuild relationships with one of them. You will have to give gifts and compliments to increase the relationship level and make them willing to build a relationship with you again. Once the relationship is strong, you can propose and get ready for marriage.

Having a best friend who considers himself gay

Finally, the last part of this challenge is to build a relationship with your friend who considers himself gay. To do this, you will have to make friends at different stages of life. Once you have enough friends, you will need to choose one friend from their list who is gay.

Next, you will need to build a relationship with him and spend time making him your best friend. After that, your “Turn Back Time Challenge” will be complete.


Turn Back Time Challenge is an interesting challenge that gives you the opportunity to remake your past decisions. After completing this challenge, you will be successful, and your BitLife life will take a new turn.

Useful tips for completing the challenge

There are a few important tips you will need to keep in mind while completing this challenge:

Patience and persistence: It will take time for you to make two platinum albums, so don’t lose patience.

Relationship building: Reconnecting with an ex-boyfriend can be a challenge, but with good relationships you can achieve it.

The importance of friendship: Making gay friends is a time-consuming process, so focus on it.


Complete the Turn Back Time Challenge by becoming a pop star, releasing platinum albums, and marrying an ex-boyfriend using bitlife br mod apk premium atualizado.

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Finish the Yandere Challenge by eliminating rivals and keeping your lover loyal with yandere sim mods.

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The highest recorded age in BitLife is over 120 years, achieved with my virtual pet shop mod apk for stress relief.

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